
Guitar Chords by G Root Note Name


Chords Based on the G Root Note
Chord: G Minor Numeric: 355333 Fingering: 134111    3rd Fret is barred
Chord: G Major Numeric: 320003 Fingering: 320004
Chord: G Suspended 2nd Numeric: XX5785 Fingering: XX1341   5th Fret is barred
Chord: G Suspended 4th Numeric: 355533 Fingering: 123411   3rd Fret is barred
Chord: G Diminished Numeric: XX5656 Fingering: XX1314   5th Fret is barred
Chord: G Augmented Numeric: 321003 Fingering: 321004
Chord: G Minor 6 Numeric: XX2333 Fingering: XX1333    3rd Fret is barred
Chord: G 6 Numeric: XX5757 Fingering: XX1314  5th Fret is barred
Chord: G Minor 7th Numeric: 353333 Fingering: 131111    3rd Fret is barred
Chord: G Major 7th Numeric: 320002 Fingering: 320001
Chord: G (Dominant) 7th Numeric: 320001 Fingering: 320001
Chord: G Minor 9th Numeric: 353335 Fingering: 131114   3rd Fret is barred
Chord: G Major 9th Numeric: 354005 Fingering: 132004
Chord: G (Dominant) 9th Numeric: 353435 Fingering: 131214     3rd Fret is barred
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