Chords Based on
the D sharp/E flat Root Note |
D sharp/E flat Minor |
Numeric: X68876 |
Fingering: X13421 6th Fret is
barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Major |
Numeric: XX1343 |
Fingering: XX1243 |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Suspended 2nd |
Numeric: X68866 |
Fingering: X13411 6th Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Suspended 4th |
Numeric: X68896 |
Fingering: X12341 6th Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Diminished |
Numeric: XX1212 |
Fingering: XX1314 1st Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Augmented |
Numeric: X6544X |
Fingering: X3211X 4th Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Minor 6 |
Numeric: XX1312 |
Fingering: XX1312 1st Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat 6 |
Numeric: XX1313 |
Fingering: XX1314 1st Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Minor 7th |
Numeric: X68676 |
Fingering: X13121 6th Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Major 7th |
Numeric: XX1333 |
Fingering: XX1333 3rd Fret is barred |
Chord: D sharp/E flat (Dominant) 7th |
Numeric: XX1323 |
Fingering: XX1324 |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Minor 9th |
Numeric: X6466X |
Fingering: X2134X |
Chord: D sharp/E flat Major 9th |
Numeric: X6576X |
Fingering: X2143X |
Chord: D sharp/E flat (Dominant) 9th |
Numeric: X6566X |
Fingering: X2134X |
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